Thursday, August 13, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Personalized Look-A-Like Doll
And here is the doll that I made to look like him:
This doll is made from felt, and is 2 1/2 feet tall. The t-shirt is inspired by the Mario mushroom, and he is wearing real denim blue jeans. He can be dressed, and re-dressed, all of the clothing is removable. The green shoes can tie and un-tie.
This is a great product--perfect for presents! If you would like to have a personalized doll for yourself or for someone else, leave a comment or send me an email at
Iota Kappa Phi
The white and pink daisy was a personal choice. You can have this same owl with the flower, without the flower, or with something completely different.
If you are a member of a club, sorority, or fraternity, and you would like a customized mascot, let me know. Leave a comment of send an email to
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ignite: Iggy
If you are interested in playing this game, as well you should be, you will be able to find it in the app store on iTunes very soon. Buy it for 99 cents, and then give it the 5 star rating it deserves.
If you have an idea for a new stuffed animal or doll that you would like to have, let me know.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Custom Headband Order Form
Style: One band or double band?:
Band color:
If you want a bow:
- Bow size:
- Bow color:
- Middle of bow accent? If yes, color:
- Bow position (left, right, or middle?):
If you want a flower:
- Amount (1,2,3 flowers etc.):
- Flower size:
- Flower color:
- Gem in middle of flower? If yes, color: size:
- Flower position (left, right, or middle?):
Any other comments:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Custom Stuffed Owl Order Form
First, pick a style:
Style B:
Style C:
Main color of body:
Color of stomach accent:
Main color of wings:
Wing accents? If yes, color:
Color of beak:
Color of feet:
Circle patches under eyes? If yes, color:
Button accents? If yes, colors:
Flower on chest? If yes, color: Color of flower button:
Do you want your owl to be weighted so it will stand up straight? If yes, weighted with rice or pinto beans?:
For Style C only:
- Color of Bandana:
- Color of Bandana accents:
Any other comments:
Thank you for your order!